Read more posts from our February 2017 category.

The Clemo family recently expanded, when Richard’s parents welcomed ‘Bonnie’ the Golden Retriever into the family. They have always had dogs and were missing a four legged friend to walk and explore Cornwall with…
Cornwall is glorious right now; after a damp start to the week it has gotten cold and bright, like the whole of the UK. I love it cold and crisp. Today we whizzed over to Watergate Bay for breakfast and although exceptionally bracing, it was absolutely stunning and made the hot chocolate even warmer and more like a hug in a mug than normal..
top 5 pasties
Apologies I have not blogged for a few weeks we have been busy having a baby! As excuses go I think that is quite a good one.  Our newest family member, Anna Poppy Clemo, was born on Tuesday 10th January, weighing in a 9lb 40z…
baby days out