It’s a ‘Gold’ Christmas here

Our Christmas was topped off last week when our new facilities were awarded Gold in ‘Loo of the Year 2015’. We are so chuffed, and it is official recognition to accompany all your wonderful feedback throughout the past season.

The Full Story:

Happy Christmas to you from all of us at Little Winnick, we hope you have a wonderful peaceful Christmas.


Christmas is in full swing here as you can imagine with a 3 year old and 20 month old.  Jess is very excited; this evening she has little party at home for her friends, sparkly jelly and toasted marshmallows ensured some very excited/hyper little girls!

Today we popped over to Trerice – a National Trust House.  It is small as National Trust houses and grounds go, but it is quite quirky and they had a lovely little Christmas trail.  I imagine the gardens are a treat in the summer.  After the house we did our usual North Coast drive out along Watergate Bay.  The waves at Porth were breathtaking.  I have never seen such huge waves crash up over the cliffs – they were the sort you see in pictures but rarely see in real life, stunning.


Tomorrow we are off ice skating at Eden in a special parent and toddler session, I suspect the girls will be better than me – they fill the ice with toys and it snows, which given we have been playing on the beach and in the sea it is so mild down here it will be a lovely experience.

From Tuesday our family start to arrive then on Wednesday we take the girls to see Father Christmas at Heligan.  Regular blog readers will know my love of Heligan.  It is even more magical at this time of year.  Last Monday we went for a candle lit walk in the dark whilst carol singers were singing in the background.  Truly a special experience.  Jessica posted her letter to Father Christmas.  Then this week we went and did the reindeer trail which as so nice – we did not even need our coats whilst admiring all the daffodils that are out down here.  Wednesday also see’s our ‘work’s Christmas do’.  By that I mean Richard and I along with the girls have lunch out….well if not we don’t get a works do (any excuse!).

Work around the park has finished for Christmas now, we will be using this time to catch up as a family and enjoy Cornwall.

Don’t forget if your thoughts turn to holidays over the festive period we are taking booking for 2016 and we already have periods that are looking pretty busy.  The phones are diverted to our home over the winter so if you have any queries please do give us a call and we do our best to help you.

Once again, a very Happy Christmas from Richard, Heidi and our family x

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