Camp Wild(ish) Review

Camp Wild(ish) Review

Here at Little Winnick  we have two young daughters who are at the heart of everything we do at home, and over the last winter we spent an awful lot of time thinking about had we could instill these values into Little Winnick even more.  We were already super family...
Perfect Bank Holiday

Perfect Bank Holiday

People are funny old things.  Today after months of people telling us it is too cold, or it is too wet, or too cloudy I was taken aback to hear it is now too hot!  To be fair it has been baking and everyone who walked through the door had a pinkish glow to them.  In...
Famous Faces

Famous Faces

Did you see us on the BBC six and ten o’clock national news and quoted in papers as far away as Chicago?  A very random day led to us bumping into Boris Johnson and his ‘Battle Bus’.  On our day off we were on an adventure to see if they were still...
Hotting up

Hotting up

Things are hotting up in Cornwall in more ways than one with stunning weather and a rather lovely famous actor filming in Charlestown.  This week we have been bathed in wall to wall sunshine.  Yesterday we were cooking in the garden late into the evening. I am hopeful...